As every richeous true beliver with at least a bit of insight into the Buffyverse knows, one of the best episode ever was 'Once More, with Feeling', more commonly known as the "musical episode". In the episode a mysterious force compels Sunnydale residents into songs that reveal their deepest secrets. The episode was a lovechild of the series creator Joss Whedon who not only wrote and directed the episode but also wrote all of the lyrics and music himself.
Apparently Whedon had wanted to create an epidode entierly played out as a musical ever since the first season of Buffy, originally planned to air out during Buffys fourth season, the episode was delayed until season six (Whedon explains the reason behind the delay on the commentary track for the DVD release, explaining that if he had placed the episode in season four, it would have occurred shortly after the Xena Warrior Princess musical episode...).
Anyway, parhaps it's time to re-evaluate the recent writers strike, it turns out it didn't just result in horrible things such as late night beards and the abrupt too-early conclusions of your favourite shows. On his blog, Joss Whedon reports about what he's been up to:
"During the strike I started writing a musical intended as a limited internet series, 3 episodes of approximately 10 minutes each. Writing with me was my brother Jed, his fiancee Maurissa, and my other brother Zack. To my shock and surprise, we finished it. To my greater shock and surprise, we managed (with the help of many people I'll be praising at length soon) to drag it into preproduction (yes, just as DOLLHOUSE was given a start date two months away and all my comics were due.) And today, after a grueling week of writing everything ever while trying to be a producer, I got to start shooting. A musical.
This much I will say: It's the story of a low-rent super-villain, the hero who keeps beating him up, and the cute girl from the laundromat he's too shy to talk to. And I'm having the time of my life.
Get your finest buffy memorabilia out in enticipation!
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