Im a very busy man and can't be expected to sit around all day writing stupid stuff on this blog. But, as not to make this blog totally dated I asked Gaspard and Xavier from Justice to write a couple of guest entries..
We are Justice. We don't really kneuw what to write on this blog but we thought we tell you something about an ordinary day in the life of justice. Why we say "we" is because the justice concept invoves the both of us, not just xavier and not just gaspard, but we are beuth the justice concept. Easy, ok?
11:15 We wake up on the sofa in the living-rheum of our appartment, we are vehry theurtsy and need to gheu to the bath-rheum.
11:16 We smeoke a ceegahrette and look out the windheuw.
11:18 We drink some waah-teur and take turns going to the toihleut.
11:26 I Xavier eat a grapefruit, "This is gheud" i say. "It's greuwn in peru" Gaspard says. "Yes, I kneuw that... I kneuw that" I say.
11:37 We smeoke ceegharettes
11:30 I (Gaspard) read the latest fashion and music magazines out aloud on the floor of our rheum, gaspard says "Yes, yes, I kneuw that... I kneuw that". The we (both) takes turn laughing out loud.
11:52 We smeoke ceegharettes
12:11 We smeoke ceegharettes
12:16 We smeoke meore ceegharettes
14:30 I (Gaspard) go out to the beestro to buy some croissants
14:34 In the beestro I ask for Croissants, the lady behind the ceun-theur tells me they only have them on wednesdays and fridays, "Yes, I kneuw that... I kneuw that" I say and laugh. I buy some baguettes instead.
14:36 Still in the beestro, I mistake the wall for the dorway and walk into it.
"Your archeutect should have his head exhameuned" I tell the wheuman behind the counter.
14:48 I (Gaspard) smeoke a ceegharette
14:56 I return to the rheum with a slight headache
"Xavier, my little beardless friend, I am home!" I tell Xavier.
15:12 We smeoke meure ceegharettes
17:30 The doorbell rrreunghs, Gaspard opens it and a man enters the room.
I (Xavier) ask: "And who are yeu?"
The man: "I'm Felix, the journalist, here for my appointment."
I : And what is it yeu deu..?
The man: "I am a journalist from germany"
I : "Yes, yes, I kneuw that... I kneuw that" I say and laugh out loud.
The man turns out to be from a german magazines, here to wuh-sit us in the living-rheum of our appartment for an intheur-view. He asks us if we know that our video "Stress" has been boycotted on several german tv station for being racist? "Yes, we kneuw that... we kneuw that", we tell him. I explain to the journalist that we are very peuh-litical "I might even be pehrseuded to ruhn for the Peublic Office" I say.
17: 36 The jheurnalist compliments us on our room, I ask him what he means. He says "This is a beautiful room you have here", "Monsieur..Don't try to be funnayyyy with me, ok" I tell him somewhat aggrevated. He gets uneasy and starts pointing at the walls of the rheum.
I (Xavier): This is a rheum??
Journalist: Yes, this is a room
I : Yes, I kneow that... I kneow that, a rheumm... that is what I have been saying you idiot!"
17:45 The journalist leaves I tell Gaspard "That man is crahzy!"
17:46 We smeoke ceegharettes
18:15 The Pheun rings: "Gaspard, the phewn is rrrengeng!" i tell gaspard. It's Pedro Winter calling asking us if we would like to go to a pool party tomorrow.
"Does Monsieur Kanye West 'ave a sweemang poohl?" I ask him, "yes" he replies.
"Yes, I kneow that... I kneow that" I tell him laughing.
Pedro enquires as to what we are doing tonight, "Well... yeu kneauw, a little bit of zis and a little bit of zat" I tell him.
18:38 I (Gaspard) have xavier trim my beard, he takes 'euf a little too much, i get angry and tell hum "Swine Parrot! That is my own personal mustache!"
Xaviuer asks what I mean. "Monsieur..Don't try to be funnayyyy with me" I tell him.
18:54 We smeoke ceegharettes
19:24 We smeoke ceegharettes
21:00 We drink pastis toghether, Gaspard falls on the fleuhr in our rheum, I tell him "You must be care-feoul, you have ra-ceived a bimp, One could get a concusion from such a bimp". "Yes, I kneuw that... I kneuw that" Gaspard answers.
23:00 We go to sleep.
/Xavier et Gaspard
1 kommentar:
lol good one! i'm gonna go smeoke a ceegharette neouw
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